Skybound Scholarship

MountainStar Sports Group Amigo Airsho Skybound Scholarship

The MountainStar Sports Group Amigo Airsho Skybound Scholarship is dedicated to empowering the next generation of aviation and aerospace professionals. Available to high school students who are passionate about pursuing a 2-year to 4-year degree in Aviation, Aerospace, or Space, this scholarship aims to support and inspire young minds as they embark on their journey toward a dynamic and promising career in the skies. Join us in fostering innovation and excellence through the Amigo Airsho Skybound Scholarship.

Learn more below to take the first step toward your future in the fields of Aviation, Aerospace, and Space!

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Aviation, aerospace, and space careers each focus on different aspects of flight and space exploration, though they often overlap. Here's a breakdown of the differences among these fields:

  • Focus: The design, development, operation, and maintenance of aircraft that fly within Earth's atmosphere.

    Key Areas:

    Pilots and Flight Crew: Operating commercial, military, and private aircraft.

    Aircraft Maintenance Technicians: Ensuring aircraft are safe and operational.

    Air Traffic Controllers: Managing the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in the air and on the ground.

    Aviation Engineers: Designing and developing aircraft and their systems.

    Aviation Management: Overseeing airport operations, airline management, and logistics.

    Examples of Jobs:
    - Commercial Airline Pilot
    - Flight Instructor
    - Aircraft Mechanic
    - Avionics Technician
    - Air Traffic Controller

  • Focus: The design, development, and production of aircraft and spacecraft, covering both aviation and space sectors.

    Key Areas:

    Aerospace Engineering: Combining elements of mechanical, electrical, and materials engineering to design aircraft and spacecraft.

    Aerodynamics: Studying the behavior of air as it interacts with solid objects, like wings and fuselage.

    Propulsion Systems: Developing engines and other systems that provide thrust for aircraft and spacecraft.

    Systems Engineering: Integrating various subsystems into a functional aerospace product.

    Examples of Jobs:
    - Aerospace Engineer
    - Propulsion Engineer
    - Aerodynamics Engineer
    - Systems Integration Engineer
    - Research Scientist

  • Focus: The exploration, development, and utilization of outer space and celestial bodies beyond Earth's atmosphere.

    Key Areas:

    Astronomy and Astrophysics: Studying celestial bodies and the physics of the universe.

    Space Engineering: Designing and developing spacecraft, satellites, and space stations.

    Mission Control and Operations: Overseeing the operation of space missions from the ground.

    Planetary Science: Researching planets, moons, and other celestial bodies.

    Space Medicine: Studying the effects of space travel on the human body and developing countermeasures.

    Examples of Jobs:
    - Astronaut
    - Satellite Engineer
    - Mission Planner
    - Planetary Scientist
    - Space Operations Specialist

  • Research and Development: Both aerospace and space careers involve significant R&D efforts to advance technology and knowledge.

    Engineering Disciplines: Aerospace engineers often work on projects related to both aircraft and spacecraft.

    Government and Military Roles: Many roles in aviation, aerospace, and space are within government agencies (like NASA or the FAA) or the military.

  • Aviation Careers: Often require specialized training programs, flight schools, and certifications (e.g., pilot licenses, aircraft maintenance certifications).

    Aerospace Careers: Typically require a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering or a related field, with many professionals holding advanced degrees.

    Space Careers: Require degrees in fields such as physics, astronomy, aerospace engineering, or other related sciences, with many roles needing advanced degrees and research experience.

    Understanding these differences helps clarify the specific educational paths and career opportunities available in each field, allowing individuals to align their interests and skills with the appropriate sector.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Enrollment: Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a two-year or four-year degree program at a higher education institution in fields related to aviation, space or aerospace careers

  • Residency: Applicants must be residents of El Paso County or Doña Ana County.

Application Components

  • Completed Application Form: Applicants must fill out and submit the official scholarship application form.

  • Essay: A 500-word essay detailing the applicant's interest in aviation, space or aerospace, their career goals, and how the scholarship will help them achieve these goals.

  • Letters of Recommendation: two letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or employers who can attest to the applicant’s academic achievements, character, and potential in their chosen field.

  • Transcript: A copy of the most recent academic transcript.

  • Proof of Enrollment or Acceptance: Proof of enrollment or acceptance into a relevant two or four-year degree program.

Selection Criteria

  • Academic Achievement: Evaluation of academic performance and potential for a successful career in aviation, space or aerospace.

  • Personal Statement and Goals: Assessment of the applicant’s essay, including their passion for aviation, space or aerospace and their long-term career objectives.

  • Recommendations: Strength and relevance of the letters of recommendation.

  • Community Involvement: Preference may be given to applicants who demonstrate active involvement in community service or related extracurricular activities.

Award Details

  • Scholarship Amount: A minimum scholarship of $2,500 awarded one time.

  • Duration: Scholarships are awarded for one academic year but recipients may reapply for subsequent years.

  • Use of Funds: Scholarships must be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, or other education-related expenses and will be made as a payment to the higher education institution.

Obligations of Scholarship Recipients

  • Engagement: Recipients are encouraged to participate in Amigo Airsho events or other related activities as a way of giving back to the community.

Application Deadline

The application opens January 27, 2025 and the deadline to apply is April 4, 2025.